Friday, September 12, 2008

How To Use Linux - Live CD (In the works)

First video is on its way and should be posted on Youtube by the end of the week.
The first episode will concentrate on how to download, burn, and use a Live CD from a linux distro.
I hope it will be a very useful video for anyone to use. The second episode will consist on how to install it onto your computer using a dual-boot, or a complete installation (removing windows in the process).

Keep in mind, do the research before you switch OS's. If your a gamer, stick with windows, if your a designer, stick with a Mac, if you are just a regular user, meaning you surf the web, do Word processing projects, etc...Linux is fine.
Not all programs and software works on Linux, but most likely you can find an open source version of it (Open Office instead of Microsoft Office, The GIMP instead of Adobe Photoshop, etc...)

Thankyou for reading, keep in touch.

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